Emerging battery technologies have been slipping out here and there, but this is the biggest leap we’ve heard in awhile. The study comes out of Carleton University’s Atif Shamim, who has proposed to cut all the wires from the antenna, potentially increasing power efficient twelve times over.
“This has not been tried before — that the circuits are connected to the antenna wirelessly. They’ve been connected through wires and a bunch of other components. That’s where the power gets lost,” Mr. Shamim said. … “It’s a common problem. There are so many applications in the iPhone, it’s like a power-sucking machine.”
Hey, wait a sec – I went to Carleton University… In fact, it’s just around the block from here… I’m going to swing by the ol’ stomping grounds and see if I can meet up with Atif to talk about this face-to-face. Keep an ear on The Signal for an interview soon! In the mean time, you can check out the technical nitty-gritty in Atif’s paper, “Wireless Interconnect Between On-Chip and LTCC Antennas for System-in-Package Applications” from the European Wireless Technology Conference.
[via PhonesReview]