We mentioned not long ago that Skyfire managed to pull in another million dollars with its iPad app, much like it did with the iPhone version. Not too shabby for just three weeks in the app store at a relatively pricey $4.99 a pop. It just goes to show you how much users want their Flash video content!
The application converts Adobe Flash video content into iPad-friendly multimedia, so when you’re browsing the web on your Apple tablet and you run into a site that contains Flash videos, you’ll be just fine.
Skyfire says it held the #1 top paid and #1 top grossing app on Christmas day when users just went on an app-shopping spree. To date, the app has been downloaded over 200,000 times, which brings in a nice chunk of change for the company.
You’ve already heard the details in our last post, but for more on Skyfire and its recent success, see the official press release on the next page.