Path, the somewhat popular photo sharing application for the iPhone, has finally made its way to Android. One of Path’s biggest limitations, besides its self-imposed 50-friends limitation, was that it was limited to iOS users only. The app allows users to shoot photos and share them with friends or family, and the photos can be geo-tagged, captioned and tweaked with the number of filters that Path has. In staying true to its name, however, photos have to be taken from the smartphone in order to be shared with others (i.e. you can’t take a photo with your DSLR, upload it to your smartphone and share it).
Now Android users can get in all the fun and action. Here’s what you can do with the Path for Android:
- Capture and share life’s moments through photos.
- Stay connected to a small group of 50 close friends & family.
- Tag your moments with people, places, and things.
- View your friends’ moments.
- Let your friends know how each moment makes you feel with Emotion.
- Have intimate conversations around each moment with Chat.
- Know when your friends have seen your moments.
- Publish the occasional moment on Facebook for all of your Facebook friends to see.
Path for Android is in the Android Market now as a public beta, so you might expect a few bugs or kinks here and there, but the Path team has made it very clear that it will continue to work on the app and give it all the love that it has given to the iOS version.
If you’re unfamiliar with Path, or you’d like to know a little more about this new app for Android, be sure to check out the video below to get an idea of what you can do with it, and whether or not it’s for you. Remember, unlike Instagram, you’re limited to sharing with 50 friends, but sometimes 50 is more than enough when it comes to your most personal photos.
Download Path for Android from the Android Market or scan the QR code below!
[Via: Path]