We told you PayPal is working to add P2P (peer-to-peer) NFC capabilities to its mobile apps and voila – the new Android version is here, enabling mobile money transfers without bumping (though that method still works).
Of course, you’ll need an NFC-enabled device like the Google Nexus S or the upcoming Galaxy Nexus in order for contactless payments to work, and if that’s on place you’re ready to go. Simply enter an amount, and then tap phones. Once your friend receives the request they simply enter their password to send money. It’s that easy!
In addition to the NFC support, PayPal for Android 3.0 also comes with redesigned landing screen, simplified process for sending money, auto-complete feature that uses information from your address book, along with a number of improvements for international users in Europe and Brazil. Finally, there are stability and performance fixes under the hood to make everything run smoothly…
PayPal (FREE) [Android Market link]