While both top mobile operating systems already have dedicated Google Maps applications, the search giant has updated mobile maps for both of the platforms in the browser. Mobile maps is now updated to bring the web experience closer to the native app experience, and it’s off to a good start.
To get started with Google Maps for mobile, point your Android or iOS browser to maps.google.com and opt-in to share your location. You’ll then be able to take advantage of many features found within the native applications like Place pages, directions, and more.
All new features are listed below:
- See your current location
- Search for what’s nearby with suggest and auto complete
- Have clickable icons of popular businesses and transit stations
- Get driving, transit, biking, and walking directions
- Turn on satellite, transit, traffic, biking, and other layers
- View Place pages with photos, ratings, hours, and more
- When signed into your Google account, access your starred locations and My Maps
Mobile maps has come quite a long way and is becoming more and more like the native application that we love so much. Google Maps is easily the best applications for getting around and offers up features that you won’t find anywhere else. Some come close in functionality but still have yet to best Google’s Maps service. We’d really like to see the mobile version of Google Maps get vector graphics – a feature that Android users have been enjoying for some time now, which allows for 3D maps on the go. Knowing Google, this feature likely isn’t too far off. Also knowing Google, when this feature does come it will probably be a bit buggy.
We hope Google will soon be adding support for more platforms and not have it limited to the two operating systems that have the most robust native application for Maps.
[Via: GoogleMobileBlog]