For awhile, mSpot has been storing music in the cloud and allowing users to stream it to their phones through a mobile app, but now that Google’s headed that way, they’ve stepped up their game. Today, mSpot now includes free streaming internet radio much like popular sources like Slacker and Pandora. The new radio button pulls up a station based on what you’re listening to in your local or cloud library, and predicts similar types of music. If you like what you hear, you can tag it for future reference or purchasing from the web browser. You can also opt to dive right into a broad category of music if nothing in your library is striking a chord.
mSpot’s a pretty solid service, and a unique offering by now melding local, cloud, and radio music. When available, you can pull up lyrics, and songs in the cloud can be cached locally as they’re being played if you want to have access to them when out of coverage. I might be a little more tempted if mSpot plugged in to established internet radio networks, but at this point, the quality between them all seems roughly interchangeable.
Unfortunately, the new radio feature isn’t available in Canada (or anywhere outside the U.S. for that matter), but anyone can sign up for a free 5 GB of tunes, and can get another 40 GB for $3.99/month. Sign up here, or go ahead and download the new app from the Android Market.