Normally, you wouldn’t leave capturing your wedding pictures and video up to a smartphone camera, but one adventurous couple did just that. At a wedding in Capella Pedregal in Cabo, Mexico, celebrity photographer Joy Marie Smallwood photographed an entire wedding using the Nokia Lumia 1020. The Windows Phone powered device touts a 41 megapixel camera, the most powerful smartphone camera out there today, and it is giving traditional DSLR cameras a run for their money.
In a post from Nokia’s Blog, the bride and groom expressed their approval of their wedding pictures, stating “We were really excited and honoured when Joy approached us about having our wedding shot using a Lumia 1020. She’s an incredible photographer so we were more than happy to have it done. We can’t get over how well they have come out. It is very impressive.”
The happy couple is quite right, the Nokia Lumia 1020 pictures are impressive and captured their once in a lifetime moment perfectly. For more pictures of the Lumia 1020 wedding, head over to Nokia’s Blog where more amazing pictures can be found.