All you iPhone 4 users out there patiently waiting for the iPhone Dev Team to release their jailbreak solution can start celebrating. Thanks to the inimitable iPhone Dev Team, Apple fans around the world can now freely jailbreak their iPhone 4, 3GS, 3G or iPad devices (as long as they’re running iOS 3.2 or higher) through the web-based webpage. This new jailbreak method for the iPhone 4 allows you to simply point your handset at the website, load up the necessary data in the Mobile Safari browser, and get to hacking your way into the file system – all without having to connect the iDevice to a computer.
The website is and it’s basically all you need to know, if you’re at all interested in freeing your iOS file system from Apple’s lock down. Why would you want to jailbreak your shiny new smartphone, you ask? Well, aside from installing all kinds of third-party apps that won’t ever see the light of day in the official iTunes AppStore, you can also install apps that allow your iPhone 4 to work as a portable WiFi hotspot without having to dole out the extra greenbacks to AT&T. Or, with My3G, you can use FaceTime over 3G data networks. That’s hot.
The jailbreak process is as easy as going to a website, sliding your finger across the screen, and waiting for the web-based code to get injected into your phone. Once finished, the website will load the Cydia jailbroken app store onto your iDevice. You’ll be happy to hear that the website has been updated so that jailbroken iPhone 4’s still work with FaceTime (earlier versions broke FaceTime).
Just a word to the wise. Jailbreaking can brick your handset. In this case, a quick restore through iTunes will probably cure what ails your phone, but no promises.
Hit up or the mirror supplied by @saurik at to get your jailbreak on! Also, the Dev Team’s servers are getting fairly hammered right now, so you might have to keep retrying the webpage. Chances are you’ll also see your Mobile Safari browser crash a couple times, if you manage to get the server to respond at all, that is.
Happy jailbreaking!
[Via: JailbreakMe, @MuscleNerd, @comex]