Google wants to make it easier for you to search on your phone and it is bringing its search History feature to your Apple iPhone and Android device.
What are the benefits of search History? According to Google:
If you’ve enabled search history in your account (tap “Settings” and select “Save Searches” under “Search History”, then tap “Save”), the history that you see is a combination of all your searches done while you are signed-in, whether you are searching from a laptop at home, your desktop computer at work, or your phone while on-the-go. Your mobile searches are marked with a little phone icon so you can tell them apart. For websites you’ve visited while searching on a desktop or laptop, you’ll see screenshot thumbnails that can help you recognize and return to the right sites quickly.
I used this new search History feature on my Motorola Droid X and it worked as advertised. It’s not a mind-blowing feature by any means but it could be useful in certain situations. You’ll also be able to edit your search history if you want to get rid of those “questionable” queries you looked up late at night, as well as star searches for easier access.
More importantly, the search History feature for Apple iPhone and Android points to Google’s ambitions about a cloud-centric future. One of the greatest features of any Android phone is just pumping in your account information and watching all your contact information stream into a new handset. We review handsets every week, so this can be an absolute godsend. The search History feature is just another example of how your actual device doesn’t matter as much as your online presence.
Google isn’t alone in this endeavor, as we recently saw an Apple iPhone app from Firefox. The Firefox Home app lets you sync your home bookmarks and tabs with your Apple iPhone over the air.
[Via Google Mobile blog]