Whether you love Apple or not, the Cupertino company is rocking and rolling its competition when it comes to its iOS devices. At its press conference, Apple revealed some impressive statistics that should cause its competition to take pause. Here is the quick rundown:
- Apple has shipped 120 million iOS devices, up from the 100 million figure revealed back in June.
- 230,000 iOS device new activations per day. This figure does not include updates and tallies new activations only.
- 6.5 billion downloads which translates to a staggering 200 apps per second
- 250,000 apps in the app catalog as revealed earlier this week from unofficial sources.
- 25,000 iPad Apps are now in the App store and this number is increasing.
These figures reveal what we already know- Apple is clearly in the lead and the one to beat in the mobile arena. With Android on the upswing, Microsoft prepping its Windows Phone 7 competitor, and webOS making a comeback, it will be interesting to see how next year’s numbers compare. Anyone willing to predict whether Apple will continue this impressive growth?