If you’re looking to pick up a Square credit card reader for your smartphone, you shouldn’t have trouble finding one these days. That’s because you can buy them from just about anywhere except your local bodega. Next time you’re at Apple, Best Buy, RadioShack, Target or Wal-Mart, you can grab a Square card reader and be on your merry way to mobile sales and transactions.
The great thing about Square is that it’s super easy to set up: you just sign up for an account, verify your bank account and you’re good to go. Square takes a flat rate, 2%, from every transaction you make regardless of the size of the transaction. Selling a bicycle for $25? Or perhaps your TV for $150? It doesn’t matter, it’s just 2%.
It’s not just for individuals, either. I’ve seen Square being used at music festivals and even at the Brooklyn flea market. Most of those set-ups take cash only, and will have temporary ATM machines that will charge you two or three bucks to withdraw cash, so I commend the vendors who use Square to allow patrons to make debit or credit card purchases.
Check it out in action below.