The Samsung Galaxy Tab had just been announced, followed very shortly by the BlackBerry PlayBook, and now we’re hearing rumors of the second Apple iPad. What a time for tablets! While it’s blatantly obvious what the iPad has been missing – like a camera or USB ports – it looks like the second generation of the Apple tablet might bring us all the things we want. Or not.
The thing about predicting what Apple will do next is it’s near impossible. Most of the time, analysts get it wrong, but it’s always a little bit of fun to speculate.
This time the rumor comes from Goldman Sachs, who says the new iPad will have a mini USB connection and a camera for FaceTime. The FaceTime part seems plausible as both the iPhone 4 and the new iPod touch now have the feature, but a mini USB port just doesn’t seem right. It doesn’t feel like something that Apple would put on its devices.
AppleInsider reports:
The analysts also said their checks found that “the 7” iPad project has not yet been finalized” and therefore said its “unlikely to be launched ahead of the new 9.7” iPad.”
According to the pair, the new 9.7-inch iPad “is targeted to be thinner and lighter, with an embedded camera and mini USB.” It “could be launched in early” second quarter of 2011, they said.
I’m not too sure how I feel about the device being any thinner; I like the thinness of my iPad now. And while 1.5 pounds doesn’t make this the heaviest gadget in the world, it is quite heavy when you’re holding it up for a long time to watch a movie or read a book — lighter is definitely more welcome.
If Apple decides to make new iPad models a yearly thing, as it does with most of its products, we’ll find out just what it has in store right after the holidays. Then perhaps we can put all these rumors to rest.
[Via: AppleInsider]