Android 2.2, or Froyo, is definitely gaining market share as devices are finally getting their much-anticipated updates to the latest version of the Google mobile OS. As of the beginning of August, Froyo only accounted for 4.5% of all Android devices, with 2.1(Eclair) ruling the roost. Two months later, Froyo now is on 33.4% of all Android devices.
Android 1.5 , codenamed “Cupcake,” is now only seen on less than 10% of Android smartphones in the wild, which is a very good sign since it is the oldest version of the Google mobile operating system still hanging around these days. Android 1.6, Donut stands at 16.4 %, which means that the two oldest versions of the OS are only running on 26.1% of all devices, and hopefully that share will drop significantly in the months ahead.
Since last month, Cupcake (1.5) is down 2.3%, Donut (1.6) lost 1.1%, and Eclair (2.1) fell 1.3%. Meanwhile, Froyo (2.2) managed to grab almost 5% since last month, bringing it from 28.7% in September to the 33.4% share that we’re now seeing. With more and more devices shipping with 2.2, we’d imagine that the chart above will look quite different next month. We hope wto see another version of the popular OS in the near future, but as of right now, it’s all speculation. We’re also wondering if Google TV will actually affect the charts as well, or if it’s just limited to mobile devices.
With some manufacturers choosing to wait for Gingerbread or Honeycomb before releasing their tablet devices, it’ll be interesting to see just how much market share Froyo can gain before it starts to give way to subsequent versions.
Here’s to seeing Froyo gaining on the rest of the Android versions, with a little luck it will eventually become the most used version of the OS in the near future. Until Gingerbread comes along to mess it all up, that is.
[Via: Google]