Facebook fans must have been feeling pretty bummed when Facebook Places was announced, but was initially available only on the iPhone. While it’s taken a long while to hit other platforms, BlackBerry users can now look forward to the geo-location feature in Facebook. The news comes from an announcement from RIM that the Facebook application for BlackBerry has been updated and the new feature has been added.
Perhaps with the suits now getting access to this feature, that age bracket of geo-location service users might get bumped up.
Now BlackBerry is right up there with the iPhone, and very recently Android, for some much-wanted features in Facebook. Additionally, there are a few little perks tacked onto the update as well:
• Check in, add a Place and tag friends
• Check in to Facebook Places within a 1.25 mile radius of your location
• Select a Place from the available Nearby Places or add a Place if location does not already exist in the Places database
• Tag a friend upon check in, and include a comment
• View Places where friends have checked in
• View Places, “Here Now”, “Nearby” and “Elsewhere”, that friends have checked in to
• “Like” or add a comment to friends’ check ins
• Check ins will appear in the News Feed
• GPS and BB Maps Integration
• View a map of the location you’re checking in to and get directions to and from friends’ locations
Go on and grab it and start exposing your whereabouts to all your friends and minor acquaintances!