When it comes to customer satisfaction, Apple dominates and RIM struggles. The 2012 ACSI report was the first time Apple, RIM, HTC, and LG were included in the cell phone manufacturer satisfaction category, making for an interesting inaugural cellular satisfaction report.
The 2012 report shows that Apple has amassed a staggering 83% customer satisfaction ranking, becoming the first cellular company to break the 80% mark. Apple was a full 8 percentage points ahead of Nokia, HTC, and LG, who shared the number 2 spot at a 75% rating. Motorola and Samsung came in at 73% and 71%, respectively.
At the bottom of the heap with a score of 69% was ailing RIM, indicating the continuation of grim times for the Canadian company. RIM is seeking to salvage the sinking ship it currently finds itself on amid competition from Google’s Android, Apple’s iOS, and Microsoft’s Windows Phone platforms. RIM needs BlackBerry 10 to be successful if it hopes to emerge as a significant third platform against Android and iOS. Clearly, the company has its work cut out for it, and needs to address the consumer satisfaction issue post-haste.
Also concerning from today’s report is Samsung’s ranking. Though the company continues to dominate the sales charts and is the king of mobile phones, it only managed a customer satisfaction score of 71%, putting it behind all other major Android handset makers. With the Galaxy S III set to be released in a few short weeks, will disgruntled Samsung customers consider alternative devices such as the HTC One X or LG Optimus 4X HD?
When it came to wireless service, there was a much narrower spread between the major 4 companies. Sprint Nextel came out on top with a 71% customer satisfaction rating, followed by Verizon and T-Mobile USA at 70% each and AT&T at 69%. The “All other carriers” category, which contains the smaller regional carriers took the crown at 76% approval rating.